FFS has relationships with several key carriers to provide products and sales support to our field agents. In this course we’ll review those key carriers, their history and why FFS has chosen to align with them. We’ll also review the primary products offered by each carrier and teach you where you can gain additional information and sales support.
We have created a page in the ABO with links to all these carriers, making it easy for you to access all the latest information on the products available. You can visit the Partner Links page at https://www.ffs-leaders.com/cms/home/partner-links/.
On-demand training for our partner carriers is also available in the ABO at https://www.ffs-leaders.com/cms/training/product-training/.
Ratings compiled for the carriers have come from the carriers’ websites. We suggest you research all the latest ratings to better understand what the ratings mean and where carriers stand at any given time. The various ratings agency websites are:
- http://www.ambest.com/
- https://www.standardandpoors.com/
- https://www.fitchratings.com/insurance
- https://www.moodys.com/
Comdex ratings are not specific rating, but a composite score averaging the ratings of the above listed ratings agencies.